- 327校正実績
- 4出版経験
- 100%満足度
AREA OF EXPERTISE Dentistry ENT (Otolaryngology) Internal medicine Respiratory care Radiology Complementary and alternative medicine Optometry
- 145校正実績
- 1出版経験
- 99%満足度
AREA OF EXPERTISECardiology Dermatology Gastroenterology and hepatology Obstetrics and gynecology Urology Nephrology ...
Medical Science Subjects | ||
Cancer research | Cancer research - Chemoradiotherapy | Cancer research - Clinical molecular studies |
Radiotherapy planning | Cardiology | Surgery - Cardiac and cardiothoracic |
Biomedical devices - Clinical applications | Pediatrics, perinatology, and child health | Anatomy |
Dermatology | Gastroenterology and hepatology | Nephrology |
Transplantation - Surgery | Urology | Chiropractics |
Orthopedics | Physical medicine and rehabilitation | Rheumatology |
Sports medicine | Plastic and reconstructive surgery | Obstetrics and gynecology |
Reproductive medicine | Sexual health | Diabetes research |
Endocrinology | Epidemiology | Disaster medicine |
Forensic medicine | Public health | Hematology |
Clinical diagnostics | Infectious diseases | Emergency and critical care |
Geriatric medicine | Nursing and hospital medicine | Occupational health and therapy |
Nutrition and dietetics | Biochemistry | Biofuels |
Enzymology and bioenergetics | Food science | Structural biology |
Bioinformatics and computational biology | Biophysics | Biostatistics |
Systems biology | Cell biology | Embryology |
Aging - Molecular | Evolutionary biology | Forensic science |
Molecular biology | Molecular medicine | Molecular oncology |
Medical laboratory technology | Microbial biotechnology | Microbiology |
Immunology | Mycology | Stem cell research |
Transplantation immunology | Virology | Nanobiotechnology |
Biomaterials | Genetics - Classical and human/clinical | Evolutionary genetics |
Oncogenetics | Population genetics | Anesthesiology and pain medicine |
Head and neck surgery | Respiratory care | Ophthalmology |
Optometry | ENT (Otolaryngology) | Complementary and alternative medicine |
Dentistry | Radiology | Veterinary sciences |
Internal medicine | Clinical psychiatry | Cognitive neuroscience |
Computational neuroscience | Neuroimaging | Developmental neuroscience |
Neuroanatomy | Sensory systems | Neuropathology |
Neurosurgery | Neuroscience - Cellular and molecular | Neuroscience and neurology |
Drug discovery | Pharmaceutical chemistry | Pharmacogenomics |
Pharmacognosy | Pharmacology and pharmaceutics | Toxicology |
Neuroendocrinology | Neuropharmacology | Neurophysiology |
Sleep disorders and sleep medicine | Stroke - Neurology | Allergies - Clinical |
Memory and memory disorders | Stroke - Cardiology | Biosensors |
Amino acids | Biomolecules | Carbohydrates |
Clinical biochemistry | Enzymes | Glycobiology |
Lipids | Metabolism | Nucleic acids |
Proteins and peptides | Proteomics | Cytogenetics |
Genetics and genomics | Immunogenetics | Molecular genetics |
Antigens | Bacteriophage | Clinical immunology |
Clinical microbiology | Immunoassay | Immunochemistry |
Molecular virology | Retrovirology | Antioxidants and oxidative stress |
Biological markers | Cell aging | Chronobiology |
Cryobiology | Enology | Food science and technology |
Liposomes | Molecular evolution | Xenobiology |
Biological systems engineering | Pain and pain management | Homeopathic medicine |
Traditional Chinese medicine | Dental surgery | Endodontics |
Implantology | Oral and maxillofacial surgery | Orthodontics |
Periodontics | Prosthodontics | Audiology |
Deafness and hearing impairment | Blindness and visual impairment | Eye surgery |
Glaucoma | Vision and eyesight | Vision therapy |
Pulmonology | Respiratory medicine | Respiratory therapy |
Veterinary medicine | Veterinary surgery | Hormones |
Pineal gland | Thyroidology | Community health services |
Health screening | Rural health care | Hemostasis and thrombosis |
AIDS and HIV | Communicable diseases | Influenza |
Measles | Polio | Sexually transmitted diseases |
Anesthesia nursing | Asthma | Burn care |
Caregiving and home health care | Critical care nursing | Environmental medicine |
Evidence-based nursing | Geriatric nursing | Hospice and palliative care |
Integrated medical care | Long-term medical care | Maternal-Child nursing |
Occupational health and safety | Oncology nursing | Pediatric nursing |
Personalized medicine | Psychiatric nursing | Traumatology |
Travel medicine | Urology nursing | Dietary supplements |
Vegetarian and vegan nutrition | Breast cancer | Colorectal cancer |
Lung cancer | Skin cancer | Cardiothoracic surgery |
Cerebrovascular diseases | Colorectal medicine | Dermatitis |
Dialysis | Lupus | Trichology |
Vascular medicine | Ankle surgery | Arthroplasty |
Foot surgery | Hand surgery | Joint replacement |
Kinesiology and exercise science | Kinesiology/Exercise science/Human performance | Musculoskeletal medicine |
Osteoporosis | Artificial organs | Andrology |
Pregnancy and childbirth | Prostate health | Bipolar disorder |
Neuropsychiatry | Schizophrenia | Autism spectrum disorders |
Alzheimer's disease | Behavioral neuroscience | Epilepsy |
Molecular neuroscience | Neuropsychology | Senses and sensation |
Sleep science | Visual neuroscience | Visual perception |
Pharmacovigilance | - | - |
- 122校正実績
- 25出版経験
- 99%満足度
AREA OF EXPERTISEMolecular biology Microbial biotechnology Genetics and genomics Microbiology Physiology Other - Biochemistry, genetics...
- 40校正実績
- 5出版経験
- 100%満足度
AREA OF EXPERTISE Molecular biology Microbial biotechnology Evolutionary and developmental biology Genetics and genomics Immunology Microbiology Physiology Population genetics ...
Life Science Subjects | ||
Acarology | Aerosol science | Agricultural science |
Agrobiology | Agroecology | Agronomy |
Animal biotechnology | Animal breeding | Animal genealogy |
Animal genetics | Apiculture (Beekeeping) and apiology | Applied ecology |
Aquaculture | Aquatic ecosystems | Aquatic mammals |
Arachnology | Biodiversity | Biogeography |
Biomass energy | Bioremediation | Botany |
Bryology | Carcinology | Cetology |
Coastal management | Conchology | Conservation biology |
Crop science | Distributed power generation | Dryland agriculture and farming |
Ecological restoration | Ecology | Ecosystems management |
Ecotoxicology | Energy | Energy conservation and efficiency |
Energy in buildings | Energy resource technologies | Entomology |
Environmental and energy policies | Environmental biology | Environmental engineering |
Environmental remediation | Environmental science | Environmental technology |
Ethnobotany | Ethnozoology | Ethology |
Farmland ecology | Fishery sciences | Forestry |
Freshwater ecology | Herpetology | Horticulture |
Hydrobiology | Ichthyology | Indoor air quality |
Insect physiology | Invasive species | Invertebrates |
Irrigation and water management | Land management | Legumes |
Life cycle assessment | Linnaean taxonomy | Livestock and animal husbandry |
Livestock science | Malacology | Mammalogy |
Marine Biology | Marine botany | Marine conservation |
Marine ecology | Molecular ecology | Myrmecology |
Natural resource management | Nature and landscape conservation | Nuclear energy |
Ornithology | Pest control and pesticides | Pest management |
Phylogenetics | Phytogeography | Pig farming |
Planktology | Plant and animal biotechnology | Plant biochemistry |
Plant genealogy | Plant genetics | Plant pathology |
Plant physiology | Plant propagation | Pollen and spores |
Pollution | Pomology | Poultry farming |
Primatology | Recreation ecology | Renewable energy |
Silviculture | Soil science | Sustainable development |
Taxonomy | Tropical plants | Vegetable cultivation |
Vertebrates | Viticulture | Waste management and disposal |
Weed management | Wildflowers and native plants | Wildlife conservation and management |
Zoogeography | Zoology | Zoos and zookeeping |
- 65校正実績
- 5出版経験
- 98%満足度
AREA OF EXPERTISEChemical engineering Organic chemistry Theoretical chemistry Other - Chemistry Analytical chemistry Catalysis Applied chemistry Colloid ...
- 81校正実績
- 3出版経験
- 100%満足度
AREA OF EXPERTISE Organic chemistry Other - Chemistry Catalysis Nanochemistry Polymer chemistry
Physical Sciences Subjects | ||
Accelerator physics | Acoustics and ultrasonics | Adsorption |
Aeronautical engineering | Algebra and number theory | Analytical chemistry |
Applied chemistry | Applied mathematics | Applied physics |
Artificial intelligence | Astrochemistry | Astronautics engineering |
Astronomy and astrophysics | Astroparticle physics | Atmospheric and oceanic optics |
Atmospheric chemistry | Atmospheric science | Atomic and molecular physics |
Atomic/Molecular physics | Automated reasoning | Automobile engineering |
Bioelectromagnetism | Biomedical equipment - Fabrication and working | Bridge construction |
Calculus | Calorimetry | Catalysis |
Cellular automata | Ceramics and glass | Chaos theory |
Chemical engineering | Chemical kinetics | Cheminformatics |
Chromatography | Civil and structural engineering | Climate change |
Climate science | Cloud physics | Coding theory |
Coherence and statistical optics | Colloids and emulsions | Combustion and ignition |
Compilers | Composite materials | Computational chemistry |
Computational complexity theory | Computer and mobile application software | Computer graphics and color spaces |
Computer hardware and peripheral devices | Computer science | Computer security and cryptography |
Computer vision | Concurrent programming | Condensed matter physics |
Continuum mechanics | Control and systems engineering | Convective systems, tornadoes, and hurricanes |
Cosmetics chemistry | Cosmochemistry | Cosmology |
Cryogenics | Database systems and data mining | Detectors |
Diffraction and gratings | Discrete mathematics | Dispersion chemistry |
Dynamic programming | Earthquake engineering | Ecological engineering |
Electric circuits and components | Electrochemistry | Electrode materials |
Electromechanics | Electronic component fabrication | Electronic packaging |
Electronic sensors | Electronic, optical, and magnetic materials | Electronics and electrical engineering |
Electrophoresis | Energy transfer | Engineering geology |
Entropy | Fault-tolerant computing | Femtochemistry |
Ferroelectricity and ferromagnetism | Fiber optics and optical communications | Fibers - Fabrication and properties |
Finite element analysis | Fluid dynamics | Fluid mechanics |
Food chemistry | Formal verification | Fourier optics and signal processing |
Fractals | Fracture mechanics | Friction, lubrication, and wear |
Functional programming | Gemology | General optics |
Geochemistry | Geodesy | Geology |
Geometric optics | Geometry and topology | Geomorphology |
Geophysics | Glaciology | Graph theory |
Green chemistry | Group theory | Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning |
Heterocyclic chemistry | High-energy and particle physics | Holography |
Human-Computer interaction | Hydraulic engineering | Hydrogeology |
Hydrology | Image and video processing | Image processing |
Imaging physics | Imaging systems | Imperative programming |
Industrial and manufacturing engineering | Information systems | Inorganic chemistry |
Instrumentation engineering | Instrumentation, measurement, and metrology | Integrated circuits |
Integrated optics | Internet, web services, and cloud computing | Isotopes |
Knot theory | Laboratory automation | Land surveying |
Lasers | Lasers and laser optics | Linear physics |
Linear programming | Liquid crystal electronics | Logic programming |
Machine learning and pattern recognition | Machine vision | Macromolecular chemistry |
Magnetism | Magnetohydrodynamics | Marine engineering |
Mass spectrometry | Materials | Materials chemistry |
Materials engineering | Materials physics | Materials processing |
Materials science | Mathematical logic | Mathematical modeling, scheduling, and optimization |
Mathematical wavelets | Mathematics | Mechanical engineering |
Mechanochemistry | Mechatronics | Medical optics and biotechnology |
Medical physics | Metal and synthetic implants | Metallurgy |
Metallurgy, metals, and alloys | Meteoroids and meteorites | Meteorology |
Microfluidics and lab on a chip | Microscopy | Mining engineering |
Mobile computing | Model theory | Molecular mechanics |
Multimedia and hypermedia | Nanochemistry | Nanomaterials |
Nanotechnology | Natural computation | Natural product chemistry |
Navigation | Networks and communication protocols | Neural networks and fuzzy systems |
Newtonian dynamics | Nonlinear optics | Nonlinear physics |
Nuclear chemistry | Nuclear physics | Numerical weather prediction |
Object-oriented programming | Oceanography | Ontology |
Operating systems and computer architecture | Optical data storage | Optical design and fabrication |
Optical devices | Optics | Optics at surfaces |
Optics in computing | Optoelectronics | Organic chemistry |
Organic pollutant removal and dyestuffs | Organometallic chemistry | Other areas of optics |
Palynology | Parallel and distributed systems | Petrochemistry |
Petrology and mineralogy | Photochemistry | Photonics |
Photovoltaics | Physical chemistry | Physical optics |
Plasma | Pneumatics | Polymers - Design, synthesis, and properties |
Power electronics | Power engineering | Program semantics |
Programming, algorithms, and data structures | Proof theory | Quantum optics |
Quantum physics | Radiation | Recursion theory |
Relativity theory | Remote sensing | Remote sensing and sensors |
Rheology | Roads and road construction | Robotics |
Sampling theory | Satellite communication and broadcasting | Scattering |
Sedimentology | Seismology and tectonics | Semiconductors |
Separation and purification techniques | Set theory | Signal processing |
Software engineering | Solid-state physics | Sonochemistry |
Sound equipment | Space and planetary science | Space frame structures |
Spectroscopy | Speleology | Spintronics and plasmonics |
Statistical and mathematical physics | Statistical physics | Stratigraphy |
String theory | Structural chemistry | Structural materials |
Supercomputing | Supramolecular chemistry | Surface chemistry |
Symbolic logic | Synoptic meteorology | Systems chemistry |
Telecommunications | Television broadcasting | Theoretical chemistry |
Theoretical physics | Thermochemistry | Thermodynamics |
Thin films | Traffic engineering | Transport phenomena (Heat and mass) |
Type theory | Ultrafast optics | Virtual reality |
Vision, color, and visual optics | VLSI design | Volcanology |
Wave mechanics | Weapons systems | Wireless communication |
X-ray optics | - | - |
- 100校正実績
- 20出版経験
- 99.5%満足度
AREA OF EXPERTISEBusiness management, Finance
- 100校正実績
- 15出版経験
- 100%満足度
AREA OF EXPERTISE Business management, Finance
Business and Economics Subjects | ||
Accounting and tax | Accounting, auditing, insurance, and tax | Actuarial science |
Agribusiness | Agricultural economics | Airport management |
Annual reports, quarterly reports, and financial statements | Arms and defense industry | Banking and finance |
Banking law | Banking, finance, and investing | Bankruptcy law |
Behavioral economics | Business analysis, financial analysis, and financial reports | Business communication |
Business competition | Business education | Business ethics |
Business history | Business intelligence | Business management and administration |
Business policy and strategic management | Capitalism | Case management |
Casino and gaming management | Casualty insurance | Central banking |
Commercial law | Construction and building industry | Consulting |
Consumer goods industry | Consumer protection and product reviews | Consumer studies |
Cooperative organizations | Corporate governance | Corporate law |
Corporate social responsibility | Crisis management | Customer service |
Development economics | Distribution and logistics | Econometrics |
Economic history | Economic modeling | Economic policy |
Economic theory | Electric power industry | Emissions trading |
Employee benefits | Employee performance evaluation | Employee selection |
Entrepreneurship | Environmental and energy economics | Estate planning |
Event planning | Exportation and importation | Farm management |
Finance mathematics | Financial advising | Financial crisis management |
Financial economics | Financial markets | Financial mathematics |
Financial regulation | Financial risk management | Financial technology |
Franchise law | Game theory | General contracting industry |
Health economics | Health fraud | Home economics |
Hospitality industry | Human resource management and industrial relations | Human services |
Humanitarian funding | Humanitarian relief | Industrial organization |
Industrial research | Innovation management | Insurance law |
International business | Inventory management and control | Knowledge management |
Labor and demographic economics | Leadership | Management consulting and case studies |
Manufacturing, production, and logistics | Marketing and advertising | Mergers and acquisitions |
Monetary economics | National health insurance | Nonprofit organization administration |
Operations management and planning | Operations research | Outsourcing and offshoring |
Personal finance and budgeting | Philanthropy and fundraising | Plastics industry and trade |
Poverty | Production and operations management | Property tax |
Public economics | Public finance | Public relations |
Public-Private partnership | Quality management | Research and development |
Resource economics | Securities | Small business |
Social choice theory | Social welfare | Spatial economics |
Sports marketing | Statistics in economics and other social sciences | Strategic planning |
Supply chain management | Sustainable business | Tax law |
Technology and innovation management | Tourism economics | Tourism, leisure, and hospitality management |
Transport economics | - | - |
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
AREA OF EXPERTISEPromotional content Sports and recreation Recommendation letter Design and aesthetics Anthropology Cultural studies ...
Santa Monica, California, United States of America
AREA OF EXPERTISE Communication studies Fine arts Media and journalism Performing arts Promotional content Sports and recreation TV and film Visual ...